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£20,000 Fundraising Campaign 2023-2024

Following the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis our costs have increased significantly. In order to keep our membership fees as low as possible whilst still offering exceptional musical and orchestral training, CSYO is committed to fundraising annually to support the costs of running the orchestral programme of courses and to provide much needed financial support to our talented young musicians. If you feel you might be able to help, have a look below at some of the ways you can support the City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra.

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Sign up for our Big Give Christmas Challenge Practice-a-thon!

Perhaps you are a current member of CSYO or a recent leaver? A parent, a supporter or a long-time alumnus? Perhaps your instrument is sitting in a corner gathering dust and longing for some attention?! Why not sign up to our week-long practice-a-thon from Tuesday 28th November to Tuesday 5th December and get sponsored to practice each day for a week to help raise money for CSYO's Bursary Fund.


Corporate Sponsorship

From as little as placing an advert in our programmes to sponsoring an entire course or a section of players within the orchestra for the year, we are keen to hear from businesses who are looking to fulfill their CSR ambitions and are looking to support the arts and developing young talent.


Regular Giving

Become a CSYO 'Champion' by signing up to give a small amount each month at a level that suits you.

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Donate your time

CSYO is always on the hunt for volunteers to help with running concerts, promoting concerts and events, fundraising or even joining our board of trustees. If you have some time you feel you can offer, please do get in touch with Gemma Wareham at

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© 2023 Friends of the City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra Registered Charity number 514479

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